B&B Villa Verde

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Villa Visconti Venosta, Grosio

Villa Visconti Venosta: visits start again!

May 15 the ancient doors of the Grosio villa-museum reopen.

After the long pause due to the pandemic, Villa Visconti Venosta is ready to welcome visitors between his walls rich in history [...]

Anti Covid-19 procedures, obligations and recommendations


This property guarantees cleaning and disinfection of rooms and common areas to national guideline standards


You must keep a distance of at least one metre from staff and other guests in all common areas

You must wear a mask in all common areas

Used disposable masks and gloves must be thrown away in the containers provided after use

If you suspect you have Covid-19 related symptoms, do not leave your room, and notify the Manager immediately

The Manager is authorised to check body temperatures, and can withhold access in the event of a temperature reading greater than 37.5°C

If you have a fever or flu-like symptoms, notify the Staff immediately

You must wash or disinfect your hands before entering the breakfast room

You must wash or disinfect your hands before entering the common areas

Avoid congregating in the common areas


Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or disinfect them with alcohol-based gel

Open the windows to ventilate the room before leaving

Daily cleaning can only be carried out without guests in the room

Please do not touch the fridge and/or the kitchen equipment and appliances Contact the Manager

Cover your mouth and hands with a tissue while coughing or sneezing

B&B Villa Verde

Via Milano, 46 - Grosio (SO) - Directions

+39 | +39 | WhatsApp

Codice identificativo 01403300003